The best thing about the Barton Arts Movement is that it is truly a grassroots movement. Meaning that we have no paid staff, no major overhead expenses, and limitless possibilities for how much we can accomplish! What projects we can take on is directly tied to what funding we are able to secure. So we invite you, your family, your business, or your civic organization to consider making a donation to the Barton Arts Movement. Under the auspices of the Golden Belt Community Foundation, every gift we receive is tax-deductible and receipts are provided to donors. Every size of donation helps! Donors can give at any time through the GBCF website or by mailing a check to Barton Arts Movement, c/o GBCF, P.O. Box 1911, Great Bend, KS 67530. Also be sure to check out Corporate Sponsorship options for larger gifts from outside organizations and businesses.
In addition to the recognition received for the private donor levels, these donors also participate in a photo opp with a large check and are featured in a press release to regional media. We want every donor to know that their gift is important, appreciated, and impactful in the work being done to create community pride through public art!
In addition to the recognition received for the previous donor levels, these donors also have the option to be spotlighted as an underwriter for a specific project. QR codes displayed with each mural will make it easy for guests to visit a unique page on our website describes the artwork and its significance. You can be listed as an underwriting partner with logo or family name recognition!
In addition to the recognition received for all the over donor levels, these donors have the option to provide artistic direction, input on the location of the mural, and can participate in the planning process as we select the right subject matter and artist for the project being funded. Leave the legacy you want to leave! Be a part of something BIG that will make a splash and get a project to the finish line!
All financial gifts received prior to June 20, 2022 will be considered honorary members of our Founders Club, affectionately nicknamed "The O.C. - Original Creatives." Founding donors will be permanently recognized on our website, regardless of commitment level. We want every donor to feel important, because you are! Leave a legacy of generosity and community pride by donating to #BAM.
Out-of-the-box ideas welcome!
Don’t see the funding level that fits your interest? Send BAM an email and we would love to brainstorm a project with you!
Financial gifts that do not fully fund an individual project will benefit BAM’s collective projects to benefit Barton County. Meaning, your gift/contribution may be used on a variety of public art projects administered by BAM. BAM does not fund artwork that features commercial advertising. For donors that are willing to fund an entire project, we are open to donor input on artistic theme and placement
Thank You to our Founding Donors, The O.C. (Original Creatives)
Central Kansas Partnership
Golden Belt Community Foundation
Barton Arts Council
Wheatland Electric Cooperative