The Barton Arts Movement is pleased to announce that Hoisington student Chance Mitchell was voted the People's Choice Award Winner on Friday, June 30th during the group's 2nd Annual Art Alley Pop-Up Gallery and Competition. Over a dozen local artists displayed 16x20" canvas artwork for the public to enjoy in conjunction with the Final Fridays on Forest activities! Guests at the pop-up gallery got to then vote on their favorites, and Chance Mitchell's painting received the most votes from the crowd. Mitchell received a "BAMMY" award as well as public recognition.

Mitchell is the son of Jonathan Mitchell and Lindsey Reif, DVM in Hoisington, Kansas. He will be entering the eighth grade at Hoisington Middle School this fall. "I've been doing art since preschool, and my favorite type of art is painting with acrylic paints," Mitchell says. "I found a picture online of this sunset and knew I wanted to paint it. I often look online for inspiration."
Chance plans to pursue a career as an exotic animal veterinarian when he grows up. Outside of school, he also dances at Alys Dance Studio on their competition team, and enjoys all types of art. Mitchell participated in the Art Alley in 2022, but did not win an award until 2023. "If you are not sure if you should show your art, you should do it anyways," Mitchell says. "It doesn't matter what other people think of you, but only what you think of yourself. Don't give up."
The Art Alley pop-up gallery and competition is just one of many projects being led by the Barton Arts Movement this year. The group has already completed two murals in 2023, with plans for at least two more before the season is over. Anyone interested in following the group's events and projects can follow BAM on their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/bartonartsmovement.
The Barton Arts Movement is driven by volunteers and operates under the fiscal sponsorship of the Golden Belt Community Foundation, a 501c3 not-for-profit organization. The group has already completed two murals in 2023, with plans for at least two more before the season is over. Anyone interested in following the group's events and projects can follow BAM on their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/bartonartsmovement. Or, learn more at www.BartonArtsMovement.com.